Ever Life Design wins the German Design Award 2018

Ever Life Design wins the German Design Award 2018Two awards for Dot by Monica Graffeo and Street by Diego CisiRead inEnglish 31/10/2017 - Double satisfaction for the Mantua-based company, Ever Life Design, which received two awards at the German Design Award 2018: DOT by Monica Graffeo won in the category of “Home and Bathroom Accessories” and STREET by Diego Cisi received a Special Mention in the “Bathroom and Wellness” category. The Ever Life Design products were selected from among numerous candidates from around the world, and were recognised for their innovative character that combines everyday functionality with the values of safety and transversal comfort: beautiful, useful and able

Ever Life Design wins the German Design Award 2018

Two awards for Dot by Monica Graffeo and Street by Diego Cisi

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31/10/2017 - Double satisfaction for the Mantua-based company,

Ever Life Design

, which received two awards at the German Design Award 2018:


by Monica Graffeo won in the category of “Home and Bathroom Accessories” and


by Diego Cisi received a Special Mention in the “Bathroom and Wellness” category.
The Ever Life Design products were selected from among numerous candidates from around the world, and were recognised for their innovative character that combines everyday functionality with the values of safety and transversal comfort: beautiful, useful and able to ensure high performances with discretion and irony, the bathroom furnishings are designed for all ages and all contexts, from homes to hotel chains.
Simple objects become “super objects” and examples of good design because they accommodate and are designed for everyone.


designed by Monica Graffeo is a collection of furnishings and accessories with a democratic nature. They are modular, multi-functional and able to meet all space requirements, from the smallest to the largest: a thin but resistant steel cable runs inside a solid cylindrical brass body fixed to the wall. The cable acts as a towel holder but can also be used to hang other accessories; the cylindrical elements, in addition to accommodating small shelves for soap and bottles, can also be used as a secure support with a certified capacity of 120 kg.


, designed by Diego Cisi, is a toilet brush holder that becomes iconic, acquiring an identity through the use of colour and concrete. In addition to its classic function, its shape and materials provide support for getting up and sitting on the toilet bowl. The accurate design of the brass handle also allows it to be used as a toilet roll holder.
The German Design Award, promoted by German Design Council, was founded in 1953 with the aim of supporting and promoting the culture of design as a key element for competitiveness, innovation and research. Awarded by a jury of highly qualified and internationally-recognised professionals, the awards are given to the most significant excellences in the field of design, ranging from the product to communication.
The award ceremony will be held in Frankfurt on 9 February 2018 during the “Ambiente” fair.

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