Fluvia @ InteriHOTEL

Fluvia @ InteriHOTELThe collections at Design and Knowledge areas of the fairRead inEnglish 26/10/2017 - Fluvia participates at InteriHOTEL in Barcelona, the top contract and hospitality interior design trade fair in the country. In a new development this edition, the professional lighting brand will collaborate with its lighting collections in two of the most representative communal areas of the fair: Design and Knowledge.The Design Area is an innovative space where a renowned interior design studio specialised in contract design has unleashed its creativity, presenting the latest trends in hotel facilities (rooms, lobby, reception, cafeteria and more). Intended to surprise, this space was

Fluvia @ InteriHOTEL

The collections at Design and Knowledge areas of the fair

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26/10/2017 - Fluvia participates at InteriHOTEL in Barcelona, the top contract and hospitality interior design trade fair in the country. In a new development this edition, the professional lighting brand will collaborate with its lighting collections in two of the most representative communal areas of the fair: Design and Knowledge.

The Design Area is an innovative space where a renowned interior design studio specialised in contract design has unleashed its creativity, presenting the latest trends in hotel facilities (rooms, lobby, reception, cafeteria and more). Intended to surprise, this space was created by the architects and interior designers at Verum Hotel Development and features Fluvia’s Slim, Slim System and Point luminaires.
The Knowledge Area by InteriHOTEL, lit by Slim desktop and Slim System models, is reserved for professionals to transfer knowledge and share experiences. Talks are held there throughout the day.
Fluvia welcomes InteriHOTEL visitors at a stand that conceptually presents solutions for hotel rooms and communal areas. This stand is especially designed for visitors to experience its luminaires whilst the firm’s expert hotel lighting technicians discuss the advantages of each collection applied to the sector.

Fluvia’s luminaires stand out for their ability to integrate into the environment, their versatility and minimalist design, making them easier to adapt to an interior design project. The company’s investment in R&D&I ensures sustainable and efficient lighting without glare, helping to create a cosy atmosphere that makes users feel comfortable.
The Point projector contains an intensity regulator in the body of the luminaire and a positioning laser that focuses the light beam at precise angles, making it perfect for window dressing and exhibition spaces. It stands out for its compact design, with no visible screws or wiring.
The Arch downlight is modulated and versatile: round or square, black or white, surface or recessed. It can be installed singularly or in a group, creating decorative formations. The elegant and timeless design is by Josep Lluscà for Fluvia.

Slim, by Josep Lluscà for Fluvia, is a desktop luminaire designed to illuminate workspaces. It incorporates the Touch system, a dimmer that can adapt the light level to the visual task efficiently and in a customised way. Available in black and white.
Slim System is a modulated lighting system that is totally versatile and highly adaptable to interior design projects. This luminaire’s vertical growth and 310º rotation allows for three-dimensional compositions at various heights. It was also designed by Josep Lluscà for Fluvia.
Fluvia’s main value lies in its ability to imagine and design complex projects that seem simple. This is reflected in its stand, where each year Fluvia provides a close look at all the components of its luminaires. This arrangement to show the firm’s high level of technology is illustrated by Design for Disassembly, an environmental strategy developed by Fluvia in all its collections. The design makes maintaining the luminaires easy and ensures that they can be fully dismantled at the end of their useful lives.

Fluvia will also participate in the scheduled IH Talks at InteriHOTEL as an expert hotel lighting brand. On Thursday October 26, at 3.30 pm, Fluvia’s Hotel Segment Manager, Abel Mingo, will join in the round table discussion “Lighting design: a key part of the customer’s experience”, where he will explain the importance of good lighting in contract and hospitality interior design projects.

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