Laminam for the OEB Headquarters in Modena

Laminam for the OEB Headquarters in ModenaMaxi ceramic slabs to create continuity between the exterior and the interiorRead inEnglish 20/11/2017 - In virtue of their planarity, extreme lightness and excellent mechanical properties, LAMINAM large-size ceramic slabs with minimum thickness express their best potential as external cladding in façade systems. Weather-resistant, unalterable by UV rays and resistant to the most extreme stresses, with the exceptional 1000x3000mm size, incredibly light thanks to the thickness reduced to just 3 and 5 mm, they allow unrivalled solutions combining their excellent performances with a modern and sophisticated look, that becomes the distinctive feature of

Laminam for the OEB Headquarters in Modena

Maxi ceramic slabs to create continuity between the exterior and the interior

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20/11/2017 - In virtue of their planarity, extreme lightness and excellent mechanical properties,


large-size ceramic slabs with minimum thickness express their best potential as external cladding in façade systems.
Weather-resistant, unalterable by UV rays and resistant to the most extreme stresses, with the exceptional 1000x3000mm size, incredibly light thanks to the thickness reduced to just 3 and 5 mm, they allow unrivalled solutions combining their excellent performances with a modern and sophisticated look, that becomes the distinctive feature of the architecture.
With over 140 surfaces in the catalogue, the LAMINAM collection has developed into an attractive palette renewed every year to satisfy growing demand from the market.
OEB is a company that specialises in precision mechanics and additive manufacturing applied to various industries, from motor sports, to medical, packaging and even aerospace.
To work precisely, everything has to be neat and tidy, clean and thoroughly organised, but this type of environment can't only be recreated through a sterile setting. Indeed, for the refurbishment of its production facility, OEB designed a space that places the individual in the centre of the world, meant as an integral part of nature, with which he or she needs to stay in touch and interact constantly.
The new production plant recently inaugurated in the province of Modena is built entirely with the aim of creating continuity between the exterior and the interior. Wherever you are inside the building, if you look outside and train your eye skywards, you will have visual contact with the surrounding nature.
The focus on the environment and the pursuit of superior quality of life can also be seen in the choice of materials made by the designer Emanuele Ferrari, (from “ESTERNI ADp s.r.l.”), who was in charge of Artistic Direction and conceived the Architecture and Landscape project, with the collaboration of studio RS2 architetti.
Indeed, on the one hand, there's the design of the greenery all around the building, even becoming an integral part thereof, as in the case of the large Cork Oak that is entangled with the front pillar and the frame of plants that surrounds the external perimeter on the first floor and in the courtyard, on the other the painstaking care for details is ultimately expressed in the natural material used for the finishes, in this case pure porcelain stoneware in warm, neutral colours.
Outside, 2,000 sq.m. of Laminam Collection Nero ceramic slabs surround the large floor-to-ceiling windows for an immediate impact to recall the contrast between light and shadow. Inside, 1000x3000 mm ceramic slabs in Fokos Piombo are used as flooring and Filo Argento as continuous walls.


. The longest running collection, in production since 2002, it fully represents the concept of versatility. The full-body colour assumes a decisive role in the architectural description of spaces and volumes. Collection is an idea for designing and decorating interiors and exteriors; the surfaces with a solid background colour are the stimulus for creating and dressing objects and furnishings, an inexhaustible source of inspiration.


. This series expresses itself through pure and necessary elements such as Stone, Sand, Earth, Salt and Leadand is characterised by soft and natural colours that meet the trend of material research by design. The surface offers a tactile feeling which is attractive and almost velvety thanks to the use of raw materials developed through a continuous research for the best technology.


. Technology and research into material and style have led to an amazing texture, stemming from the image of a glistening wire continually twisted to form a woven pattern, a shiny metallic surface. The visual and tactile effect of Filo confounds the observer in an amazing play of lights that is attractive and at the same time astonishing.


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