Seventies inspired Masquespacio

Seventies inspired MasquespacioARCO Collection for Houtique01/12/2017 - Curved steel tubes, vivid colors, ’70s inspired lines: Ana Palacios and Christophe Penasse from Masquespacio present Arco, the furniture collection for Houtique.The design of the Arco collection clearly starts from its inspiration by the Seventies. Composed by a couch, chairs, tables and high stools, this new collection designed by Masquespacio is builded up, as its name in Spanish indicates, from different rounded arcs that create a funny play of forms."It is especially interesting to see how combining a cold and industrial material like metal," designers say "turns it into an attractive and emotional design through sof

Seventies inspired Masquespacio

ARCO Collection for Houtique

01/12/2017 - Curved steel tubes, vivid colors, ’70s inspired lines: Ana Palacios and Christophe Penasse from


present Arco, the furniture collection for Houtique.

The design of the Arco collection clearly starts from its inspiration by the Seventies. Composed by a couch, chairs, tables and high stools, this new collection designed by Masquespacio is builded up, as its name in Spanish indicates, from different rounded arcs that create a funny play of forms.

"It is especially interesting to see how combining a cold and industrial material like metal," designers say "turns it into an attractive and emotional design through soft forms with vivid colours. By using a velvet produced and commercialized by Houtique it was our intention to add a touch of warmth to the design maintaining, at the same time, an authentic aspect."

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