Arabescato Orobico: насыщенный, извилистый и декоративный

Arabescato Orobico: Rich, Sinuous and DecorativeFiandre Architectural Surfaces presents a new colour inspired by Italian marbleRead inEnglish 14/05/2019 - Inspired by beautiful Italian marble, Arabescato Orobico is the new Marmi Maximum colour by Fiandre Architectural Surfaces. The striping and layered flourishes typical of this material combine shades of white with different grey and brown accents, which alternate with occasional ochre hues; an unmistakable aesthetic characterised by distinctive motifs such as chipping and swirling.Rich and sinuous, this surface is a particularly faithful reproduction of the material that inspires it. With its colours and contrasts, Arabescato Orobico is ab

Arabescato Orobico: Rich, Sinuous and Decorative

Fiandre Architectural Surfaces presents a new colour inspired by Italian marble

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14/05/2019 - Inspired by beautiful Italian marble, Arabescato Orobico is the new

Marmi Maximum

colour by

Fiandre Architectural Surfaces

. The striping and layered flourishes typical of this material combine shades of white with different grey and brown accents, which alternate with occasional ochre hues; an unmistakable aesthetic characterised by distinctive motifs such as chipping and swirling.
Rich and sinuous, this surface is a particularly faithful reproduction of the material that inspires it. With its colours and contrasts, Arabescato Orobico is able to characterise any environment in which it is utilised. The fine design of the ceramic tile is enhanced with a Polished finish.
The decorative vocation of Arabescato Orobico is perfect for flooring and cladding although, at just 6 mm thick, it can also adorn furniture or architectonic details.

GranitiFiandre on ARCHIPRODUCTS

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