Componendo: all the beauty of stainless steel

Componendo: all the beauty of stainless steelRead inEnglish 06/12/2017 - After more than 20 years spent in furniture industry, Componendo realized there was a market for high-end kitchen and long lasting, resistant and aesthetically beautiful furniture: so, after a careful search on materials, Componendo has chosen to aim at the stainless steel of high quality for its bathroom collections.Componendo chooses to use this extraordinary material thanks to its properties:- excellent corrosion resistance- resistance to humidity and heat- best performance resistance / weight in comparison to other steel types- easy cleaning with an excellent hygiene coefficient- facility of transformation in the pr

Componendo: all the beauty of stainless steel

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06/12/2017 - After more than 20 years spent in furniture industry, Componendo realized there was a market for high-end kitchen and long lasting, resistant and aesthetically beautiful furniture: so, after a careful search on materials, Componendo has chosen to aim at the stainless steel of high quality for its bathroom collections.

Componendo chooses to use this extraordinary material thanks to its properties:
- excellent corrosion resistance
- resistance to humidity and heat
- best performance resistance / weight in comparison to other steel types
- easy cleaning with an excellent hygiene coefficient
- facility of transformation in the productive trial for the obtainment of varied types of components and products
- toughness that makes it non-deformable and resistant over time
- the appearance of these furnishings remains unchanged over the years even after frequent use.

Thank to utilization of stainless steel, Componendo can realize a unique and high quality furniture. Every collection, made only of the best stainless steel, is the perfect combination of the best technology, artisanal craftsmanship and italian design.

Settemeno, Cascara, Settancinque and the all other collections are unique, special and high quality bathroom furnitures which are born from the experienced hands of whom follows step by step after the realitization of these objects, perfect for who wants to give a modern and design touch to its house.

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