conmoto presents Mami, design by Mark Braun

conmoto presents Mami, design by Mark BraunThe new modular seating system for indoor and outdoor29/12/2017 - During Imm Cologne, conmotopresents Mami, the new sofa collection designed by Mark Braun. The MAMI is deliberately modular and can be used in different ways.Three ele-ments can be combined and offered in a variety of ways various room situations in-door as well as outdoor nu-merous design possibilities. And last but not least the central Handle on the front of each element and the skids on the bottom im-portant design-forming de-tails.They support the cruci-al functional advantage of MIAMI and give the sofa a distinctive design. The choice of fabrics in three different shades can be u

conmoto presents Mami, design by Mark Braun

The new modular seating system for indoor and outdoor

29/12/2017 - During Imm Cologne, conmotopresents Mami, the new sofa collection designed by Mark Braun. The MAMI is deliberately modular and can be used in different ways.

Three ele-ments can be combined and offered in a variety of ways various room situations in-door as well as outdoor nu-merous design possibilities. And last but not least the central Handle on the front of each element and the skids on the bottom im-portant design-forming de-tails.They support the cruci-al functional advantage of MIAMI and give the sofa a distinctive design. The choice of fabrics in three different shades can be used with the sofa elements playful or plain colors, to meet different characters and applications.

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