Ginkgo wins a Good Design Award 2017

Ginkgo wins a Good Design Award 2017Read inEnglish 29/12/2017 - dnd to announce that Ginkgo handle, designed by Giulio Iacchetti, won a Good Design Awardi n the category “Hardware”: it is an important international prize, which from 1950 rewards the best design products and graphic projects.Organised by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in collaboration with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies, the Good Design Award honours Dnd for the second time: in 2006 the Sike handle, designed by Karim Rashid, won the prize.Ginkgo is a new product from 2017: a brass handle with a form based on nature – the Ginkgo leaf – that is available in two diffe

Ginkgo wins a Good Design Award 2017

Read in
29/12/2017 - dnd to announce that


handle, designed by Giulio Iacchetti, won a

Good Design Award

i n the category “Hardware”: it is an important international prize, which from 1950 rewards the best design products and graphic projects.
Organised by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in collaboration with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies, the Good Design Award honours Dnd for the second time: in 2006 the Sike handle, designed by Karim Rashid, won the prize.
Ginkgo is a new product from 2017: a brass handle with a form based on nature – the Ginkgo leaf – that is available in two different versions, with or without a decorative surface engraving.

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