Hexagonal tables reminiscent of a honeycomb

Hexagonal tables reminiscent of a honeycomb Favo by Another Brand07/11/2017 - Favo (translated as honeycomb from Italian) is a range of hexagonal tables available in three sizes, Low, Tall & Long, designed by Theo Williams Studio. Their simple shape and design allows Favo to function in any living space. The tables can either be used independently or sit together, which their hexagonal shape is perfect for.Favo tables are made of steel with frames and shelves finished in a black textured colour. The tops are made from solid polished Noir St Laurent marble - a French marble with a black/grey background that is beautifully emphasised by characteristic white veining. The marble top means Fa

Hexagonal tables reminiscent of a honeycomb

Favo by Another Brand

07/11/2017 - Favo (translated as honeycomb from Italian) is a range of hexagonal tables available in three sizes, Low, Tall & Long, designed by Theo Williams Studio. Their simple shape and design allows Favo to function in any living space. The tables can either be used independently or sit together, which their hexagonal shape is perfect for.

Favo tables are made of steel with frames and shelves finished in a black textured colour. The tops are made from solid polished Noir St Laurent marble - a French marble with a black/grey background that is beautifully emphasised by characteristic white veining. The marble top means Favo can act as a dramatic centrepiece to display your treasures, or a practical and elegent console or side table.
This new collections reflect the vision of

Another Brand

’s Designer and Creative Director Theo Williams. Always ensuring each product is manufactured to an extremely high standard, the new collections also reflect the brands’ ambition to create products that are both desirable and versatile.
Вернуться в каталог статей Следующая записьImolaCeramica представляет Creative Concrete, Anthea, Equilibri
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