Ludovica + Roberto Palomba for Arrmet

Ludovica + Roberto Palomba for ArrmetVirginia, a generous seat for the contract marketRead inEnglish 11/12/2017 - The Arrmet 2017 news for the contract market is Virginia, presented at HOST with a new version with a tall backrest. Wanted by Arrmet and designed by Ludovica + Roberto Palomba, Virginia is a fascinating classical-contemporary distillate, where beyond emotions we can find the answer to the demands of high-level hospitality market: strength, usability, quantity, maximum availability to customization, all at the designers’service.'Opposite and divergent, the attraction for the new and the inclination to habits exert a powerful force on us: the novelty attracts us as much as we are

Ludovica + Roberto Palomba for Arrmet

Virginia, a generous seat for the contract market

Read in
11/12/2017 - The


2017 news for the contract market is


, presented at HOST with a new version with a tall backrest.
Wanted by Arrmet and designed by

Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

, Virginia is a fascinating classical-contemporary distillate, where beyond emotions we can find the answer to the demands of high-level hospitality market: strength, usability, quantity, maximum availability to customization, all at the designers’service.

'Opposite and divergent, the attraction for the new and the inclination to habits exert a powerful force on us: the novelty attracts us as much as we are unconsciously affectionate to some pleasant habits. We want new thrills but without losing sight of archetypes and that sense of security given by the comfort of what we already know. Virginia conciliates this eternal compromise into a unique, new and powerful piece of furniture.'
The backrest is enveloping and welcomes a generous seat. The chair is comfortable and at the same time contained in the space. The now-consolidated collection presents at HOST the new XL version, with a taller backrest to give designers even more usage configurations.


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