Studio by Fortuny®

Studio by Fortuny®The elegance of early 20th century at M&O 2018Read inEnglish 28/12/2017 - Studio is floor lamp signed Fortuny® with aluminum shade and steel tripod structure. Studio has a 360 degree swivel and tilt capacity and it comes with removable wheels. Venetia Studium and Fortuny® are two faces of a single coin, two names coming together in an extraordinary cultural project reviving the elegance of early 20th century tastes in the design of lamps. Fortuny® lamps are produced exclusively by Venetia Studium, the only company in the world entitled to use the trademark. Lampshade and stand are available in black or white, while the inner part comes in gold and silver leaf or white.F

Studio by Fortuny®

The elegance of early 20th century at M&O 2018

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28/12/2017 - Studio is floor lamp signed Fortuny® with aluminum shade and steel tripod structure. Studio has a 360 degree swivel and tilt capacity and it comes with removable wheels.
Venetia Studium and Fortuny® are two faces of a single coin, two names coming together in an extraordinary cultural project reviving the elegance of early 20th century tastes in the design of lamps. Fortuny® lamps are produced exclusively by Venetia Studium, the only company in the world entitled to use the trademark.
Lampshade and stand are available in black or white, while the inner part comes in gold and silver leaf or white.
Fortuny on

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